Agile Leadership - How does leadership change in a digital environment?

core values 2

What we have postulated and lived over the past 20 years as necessary leadership competencies and attitudes no longer meets the requirements of digital organizations. We are faced with the challenge of having to survive in a market that is characterized by a high degree of innovation and speed of change. (based on HAYS Report 2017)

82% of the managers surveyed regard it as their greatest challenge to act meaningfully on these changes - 61% consider it particularly difficult to deal with the increasing complexity in the management area.

Which fields of competences must be covered by the successful „digital leaders" of tomorrow??

A „Hybrid leadership“

Leaders today must be able to lead hybridly, i. e. to combine classic leadership with agile leadership. In particular, well-known companies that are embarking on a journey into digital transformation need managers who master both worlds and are able to recognize what is needed when.

B „Leading by distance“

Today teams are more and more multinational, work in different time zones and often consist of own employees, external staff and consultants. Putting these virtual teams together, training and leading them - that requires intercultural, linguistic and methodical competence! The executive as enabler and relationship manager is in demand.


C „Leading by confidence“

Digital organizations need a high degree of networking, which requires transparency and trust! Network cooperation means that tasks can only be mastered together with other departments and areas. A culture of trust is achieved through open communication - this requires communicative strengths and networking skills. Modern communication tools play an important role in this and must be part of manager's competences.

D „Leading as enabler“

Working environment 4. 0 also means that managers must have a high level of learning and change competence - and that is exactly what they must enable their employees to do: Learning in the workplace, in order to be able to react more quickly to changing conditions in the job. An anxiety-free learning culture with regular feedback is necessary to make lifelong learning = change in the job possible.

E „Your own methodical competence“

Executives need to develop beyond technical or business expertise in methodical areas such as agile PM to be able to make quick and informed decisions with and for their employees.

The willingness to interdisciplinary cooperation with other executives is essential if, for example, one wants to assess whether a successful business model can be derived from the latest developments. The ability to evaluate and share large amounts of data also plays an important role!

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Wolfgang, 05.09.2019 at 06:20